Titel: | Blick über den Glen Canyon Dam | Aufnahmestandort: | Auf dem AZ 98 vor dem Damm bei Page in Arizona, USA. Die Strasse füht nicht über den Damm, man kann das Kraftwerk allerdings besichtigen. | Beschreibung: | Nach rechts gehen die Starkstromleitungen weg, unten rinnt der durch den Damm besänftigte Colorado River langsam in den Grand Canyon hinein. | Schlüsselwörter: | Wasserkraft, Strommast, Leitung, Fluss, Canyon |
Image sizes: | 805*541px, 419kb |
Origin: | Scanned from analog diapositive slide |
Date/Time: | 19960715-000002 |
Camera: | | Position coordinates: | WGS84 LONG -111.483528614°, LAT 36.935657496° | Destination coordinates; | WGS84 LONG -111.480116844°, LAT 36.9286937298° | Air-line distance: | | Bearing: | | Author: | André M. Winter |
Photo copyright: | This photograph is copyrighted (©) by André M. Winter and others.
A free permissions for re-use may be given for non-commercial purposes.
Commercial use requires a license.
Contact André M. Winter for any kind of use.
This extended copyright notice applies in all cases.
Infringements always will be persecuted worldwide. Legal court: Innsbruck, Austria, E.U. |
Text copyright: | Description texts and meta data are covered by the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Any re-use requires the URL and the author(s) of this document to be named in. |
Link to this page: | link to this page |