Description de la photo
Titre: | Sur le Pont de Saint-Nazaire | Prise de: | Sur la D213, sur la Loire, en direction est. | Description: | Le pont de Saint-Nazaire a été mis en service le 18 octobre 1975 après trois ans de construction. Avec sa travée centrale de 404 m, l'ouvrage métallique de 720 m détenait à sa construction le record mondial de portée pour un pont métallique haubané. |
Données image
Image sizes: | 1200*1600px, 455kb |
Origin: | Originally a digital image, with postprocessing |
Date/Time: | 20050824-154906 |
Camera: | Canon PowerShot A40 | Speed: | 1/400s | Aperture: | F8.0 | Focal length: | 5.4mm | Aperture: | 36mm | Author: | André M. Winter |
Photo copyright: | This photograph is copyrighted (©) by André M. Winter and others.
A free permissions for re-use may be given for non-commercial purposes.
Commercial use requires a license.
Contact André M. Winter for any kind of use.
This extended copyright notice applies in all cases.
Infringements always will be persecuted worldwide. Legal court: Innsbruck, Austria, E.U. |
Text copyright: | The description of this photograph (or parts of) is based on this article of the free Wikipedia encyclopedia and are covered by the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Authors are named on the Wikipedia page. |
Link to this page: | link to this page |