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Magazzini del Sale
Canale della Giudecca
websize photograph
Description de la photo
Titre: Palazzo Giustinian a San Moisè
Prise de:

Auf einem Vaporetto am Canale della Giudecca.


Der Palazzo Giustinian a San Moisè ist der rechte unter dem Baugerüst.

Der Palast links der Mitte hat zwar eine schöne gotisch Fassade, scheint aber sonst vollkomen umgebaut und aufgestockt worden zu sein.

Mots clés: Haus, Kanal, Wasser, gotisch
Données image
Image sizes: 3209*2118px, 2832kb
Origin: Originally a digital image, with postprocessing
Date/Time: 20080405-130536
Camera: Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
Iso: 400
Speed: 1/2500s
Aperture: F8.0
Focal length: 220.0mm
Aperture: 352mm
Position coordinates:WGS84 LONG 12.3390841484°, LAT 45.428425318°
Destination coordinates;WGS84 LONG 12.3364877701°, LAT 45.4321297076° (Palazzo Giustinian a San Moisè)
Air-line distance:
Author: André M. Winter
Photo copyright: This photograph is copyrighted (©) by André M. Winter and others. A free permissions for re-use may be given for non-commercial purposes. Commercial use requires a license. Contact André M. Winter for any kind of use. This extended copyright notice applies in all cases. Infringements always will be persecuted worldwide. Legal court: Innsbruck, Austria, E.U.
Text copyright: Description texts and meta data are covered by the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Any re-use requires the URL and the author(s) of this document to be named in.
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