Titel: | Brunnen und Materialseilbahn | Aufnahmestandort: | Bei der Fotscher Schihütte. | Beschreibung: | Es gibt fliessendes Wasser in der Hütte, der Brunnen ist nur Dekoration. Die Materialseilbahn ist nicht selber zu bedienen (Benzinmotor), man kann aber mit dem Verein einen Termin vereinbahren, um schwere Lasten zu transportieren. | Schlüsselwörter: | Wasser, Garten |
Image sizes: | 1000*750px, 479kb |
Origin: | Originally a digital image, with postprocessing |
Date/Time: | 20081020-081943 |
Camera: | PENTAX Optio W60 | Iso: | 500 | Speed: | 1/50s | Focal length: | 5.0mm | Aperture: | 28mm | Position coordinates: | WGS84 LONG 11.2194979191°, LAT 47.1721655295° | Destination coordinates; | WGS84 LONG 11.2195891142°, LAT 47.1722311704° | Destination altitude: | 2646m | Air-line distance: | | Bearing: | | Author: | André M. Winter |
Photo copyright: | This photograph is copyrighted (©) by André M. Winter and others.
A free permissions for re-use may be given for non-commercial purposes.
Commercial use requires a license.
Contact André M. Winter for any kind of use.
This extended copyright notice applies in all cases.
Infringements always will be persecuted worldwide. Legal court: Innsbruck, Austria, E.U. |
Text copyright: | Description texts and meta data are covered by the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Any re-use requires the URL and the author(s) of this document to be named in. |
Link to this page: | link to this page |