Panorama El Mirador de Orellán, La Mina Romana, Las Médulas, Ponferrada, Léon, Spain
"Click" to move around, "Shift" and "Click" to zoom in, "Ctrl" and "Click" to zoom out.
Photo taken by Juliana Williams and Andreas Neumann on 2005-07-09 at 13:40.
Position: -06°45'12'' / 42°27'16.5'' / 942m (Geographic, WGS84, WGS84, units: degree)
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Alternative Panorama Representations (Open in Separate Windows):
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XML Panorama Description:
Geographic Keywords:
Administrative Unit Names: Europe → Spain → Léon → Las Médulas
Cities/Villages (left to right):
Places (left to right):
- Galería de Orellán
- Las Valiñas
Related Webpages
Fundación Las Médulas
- La Fundación Las Médulas is a non-profit cultural entity. Its main purpose is the protection, valorisation and dissemination of Las Médulas and the coordination of the actions carried out by both public bodies and private entities within this geographical area.